• 6016 Whitsett Ave, North Hollywood, CA 91606
  • Monday-Friday
    7 AM - 7 PM
24/7 Emergency Service

(818) 691-0149


Carpet Steam Cleaning Services


Carpet Steam Cleaning – Deep Cleaning Services

There is nothing quite like having a fresh, plush, spotless carpet. Although we wish our carpets could stay this way forever, that is not realistic. Life happens — from pets to children and gatherings to accidental spills. While these things are all well worth the dirty carpets, scheduling professional carpet cleaning services are here to help.

You probably love the way that your carpet brings comfort and warmth into your home, but get unsettled thinking about the dirt and grime that it collects over time. It is walked upon hundreds of times during the day and experiences quite a bit of wear and tear, so it’s no wonder why they are going to get dirty and show wear eventually.

With our team of professional carpet cleaners at Lifestyle Cleaning and Restoration, you can trust our carpet steam cleaner methods to make your carpets look good as new. With years of experience, our team has the perfect solution to make your carpet fresh and clean in an efficient, reliable manner.

Call us now for a free estimate: (818) 337-7058

Carpet Cleaning Care and Maintenance – Vacuuming is NOT Carpet Cleaning

While vacuuming your carpet or rugs throughout your home every week or two is an efficient way of cleaning up crumbs and bits from little messes, such as dog hair or popcorn from your last movie night — but it won’t actually cleanse your carpet and rugs from the dirt and grime that make their way into the actual fibers of your rugs. Vacuuming is great for day-to-day messes, but over time, a deep clean of your carpets is a must.

Vacuums have a brush at the base that breaks up surface dirt on your carpets so that it can suction it out and into the dirt canister. However, the bristles on these brushes typically are not enough to break up the dirt and allergens that make their way deep into the carpet fibers. Believe it or not — if your only means of cleaning your carpets is running your vacuum over everything, you are likely missing more than half of the gunk that is trapped within the carpet fibers. This can even lead to illness, as allergens and bacteria often get left untouched. Gross, right? Not only that, but leaving this dirt and debris will wear away your carpet fibers and cause damage over time if left untreated.


Top Quality Carpet Steam Cleaning Services

The only way that you can truly deep clean your carpets is to schedule periodic professional carpet cleaning services. These services will not only clean and protect your carpets, but protect you from potential bacteria or mold that could be growing within your carpets. What makes professional carpet cleaning services different from at-home methods is the combination of specialized cleaners, machines, and training that are used. At Lifestyle Cleaning and Restoration, we use cleaning products that are made specifically for carpets in order to break up the dust and dirt that are ground-in deep within the carpet without harming the fibers. Applying steam to further loosen ground-in gunk, our machines work to kill germs and are specially designed with powerful enough suction to collect as much water as possible, leaving you with fresh and clean, dirt, dust, and mold-free carpets!


Peace of mind for you and your family.

Here at Lifestyle Cleaning and Restoration, we use specialty equipment and high quality cleaners that are designed to get all the way down to the root of carpet fibers in order to break up and remove dirt and grime without causing any damage. Our combination of cleaners and heated steam dislodge any dirt, debris, and allergens from the fibers so that they can be easily suctioned up. Our equipment also does what at-home steamers cannot — suction up enough water after cleaning to prevent moldy carpets.

Call us now for a free estimate: (818) 337-7058